SERVICES PROVIDED. Dog Training Classes and Canine Behavior Consultations are taught by Dr. Mary Rose de Jesus Magpily (hereon referred to as “Consultant”), a veterinarian and professional dog training and behavior consultant. Consultant, at her discretion may refuse entry of owner and his/her pet into the Pet Centrics Training Venue if the dog is found to be unhealthy, aggressive and uncontrollable, or not suitable for the services provided.
PAYMENT. Payment is due in full after a consultation or behavior evaluation. For dog training courses, payment is due in full prior to commencement of the first training session. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.
CLIENT/OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES. The Owner acknowledges that if he/she brings children to a consultation or a class, the Owner agrees to provide adult supervision for them from someone other than the handler at all times. Further, the Owner avers that his/her dog is healthy and current in his/her vaccinations and he/she will not attend if he/she has been in contact with any communicable diseases within 30 days of these classes.
REMOVAL FROM TRAINING. Consultant, at her sole discretion, may remove a pet from class if a health risk, hazard or threat of any nature to any other animal or person is present. No refund will be given under such circumstances.
ATTENDANCE. For group classes, make-up for missed sessions may be scheduled outside of regular class schedule, however, the owner agrees to shoulder the cost of rent of the training venue and the professional fee of the Consultant. All make-up sessions should be scheduled no later than 2 weeks after the date of the last group training session for the course. Any remaining sessions, for both group and private classes, not completed within the maximum allotted time for course completion that has been agreed upon between Owner and Consultant, are considered forfeited. In this case, no refunds will be given. Owners of female dogs acknowledge that they may be asked to sit out certain classes if their dog goes into heat. Owner agrees to pay the fee for any make-up sessions required due to their female dog being asked to not attend class.
DANGER: Owner acknowledges that canine behavior consultations, dog training classes and/or dog behavior modification programs may be activities in which damage or injury to dog(s) and/or persons may occur. Owner will assume full financial/moral responsibility for the actions of their dog(s). Owner further acknowledges that dog(s) may be exposed to a variety of environmental conditions which include, but are not limited to, vehicular travel, interaction with people and other animals, exposure to adverse weather, and exposure to areas with crowds and all types of traffic. Owner agrees to indemnify and hold Pet Centrics and Consultant harmless from all liability for any loss, damage, or injury to persons, animals or property arising from or related to Owner’s pet. Owner agrees that Pet Centrics and/or Consultant shall not be liable for loss or damage to animal for any reason.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Any unauthorized reproduction or transmission of any aspect of the Pet Centrics course material whether in text, audio or video format is prohibited. Resale, repackaging or giving away any part of the course material by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission from the author, Dr. Mary Rose Magpily is prohibited, nor should any course material be freely distributed.